Time Management Tips For Really Busy People

A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life. ~Charles Darwin

Time is a dimension which controls the order of events from the past, through present and future. We all know that time defines the structure of our daily lives.

Once time passes, we can never bring it back nor can we control it, so it makes sense to work with it and get the best of it by learning to master it in the smartest way we can.

Some people say that managing time is one of the hardest things they will ever have to do; that it needs discipline and focus or else it runs away with us. For most of us that is a simple and uncomfortable truth. Time is something that slips through your fingers unless you make a concerted effort to get a grip on it.

This 4 minute video offers practical solutions to re-designing your day and taking control of how to get the best out of your 24 hours.



So what do you think?

Did you find the strategies in this video useful? Did you put any of them into practice? What was the most effective technique for you?

We would love to hear your results and hear about any great tips or stories you have to share with others who are struggling with time management. After all, what works for you might help someone else.

As always, your interaction with our posts creates a reservoir of wisdom for all our readers to benefit from so please share your thoughts, stories and questions in the comments box below and remember to tweet, like and +1 ~ thanks we appreciate it.


Additional Resources
Zen, How To Develop A Mindful Approach To Life
Time Management for People who FAFF about (The False Art of Feeling Fulfilled)
What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend: A Short Guide to Making the Most of Your Days Off

About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.

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