D-mannose vs Antibiotics When Treating UTIs and Cystitis

Is there an alternative to antibiotics when treating UTI and Cystitis naturally?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and cystitis are common conditions that can be extremely painful and distressing. The symptoms of cystitis include bladder pain and a stinging, burning sensation when you pee. The symptoms are so uncomfortable that  most women will rush to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

D-Mannose Vs Antibiotics When Treating UTIs And Cystitis

The first line of treatment for doctors is to prescribe antibiotics. While antibiotics may work quickly, they create problems in the long run. They can weaken immunity leading to repeated infections.  In addition, in 2019 it found that approximately  25 – 35% of bacterial UTIs did not respond to antibiotic treatment. This is a worrying and growing trend. This is the reason many women are looking for natural UTI and Cystitis treatments that are antibiotic free.

Treating UTIs without antibiotics

Organic medicine or plant-based medicine is being presented as a viable alternative to antibiotics.  There are a number herbal remedies to consider. Some are simple one plant remedies. Other are combination remedies, or specially formulated supplements with ingredients shown to support the effective management of UTIs.

It was once believed that UTIs, left to thier own devices, would resolve on their own. This approach worked for  24% to 45% of cases. Now due to antibiotic resistant strains of E-coli most infections need some form of treatment. Antibiotic resistant infection is usually an embedded biofilm infection. Biofilm infections are very hard to treat. They do not respond to antibiotics and will not get better without intervention.  Chronic cystitis is far more common problem than many doctors acknowledge, and many women will be suffering with the same (antibiotic resistant) infection that flares up over and over again.

Supporting the treatment of UTIs with herbal medicines may be a useful way to manage UTIs without resorting to antibiotics. Natural remedies and advice include increasing fluid intake, adding high doses of vitamin D to the diet (5,000 iu a day), eating foods rich in pre and probiotics, taking effective herbal supplements and fastidious attention to hygiene. When combined, these approaches will help to protect against the likelihood of  frequent UTIs.

If it is protection and prevention you are after, D-mannose is a well documented and scientifically proven supplement that helps  keep Cystitis and UTIs at bay.

What is D-mannose?

D-mannose is sugar-related to glucose yet it does not increase your blood sugar and is totally safe for women with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is found in your body naturally in the cells. It is also found in fruit and vegetables such as pomegranates , apples, oranges, peaches, blueberries, broccoli, green beans, tomatoes, and cabbage.

How does D-mannose work?

Most UTIs are caused by E. coli bacteria. When these bacteria enter the urinary tract, they attach themselves to the cells and start growing. D-mannose acts like a magnet. It draws the bacteria away from the bladder wall and urinary tract cells, capturing it in the urine.  The offending E-coli are then flushed away when you pee. Sounds really simple doesn’t it?  This process of magnetisation and flushing helps to stop the bacteria burrowing into the bladder lining and therefore halts the development of many bacterial infections.

Some studies have shown that D-mannose also works as a ‘prebiotic’. It helps to stimulate the growth of good bacteria, which helps to crowd out bad bacteria, thereby supporting bladder and urinary tract recovery and health.

There have been numerous studies that compare the effectiveness of D-mannose with antibiotics in the treatment of Cystitis and UTIs and the results are really encouraging.

  • A study carried out in 43 women with an active UTI condition showed that D-mannose helped them manage their UTIs better.
  • D-mannose and the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole were compared in a study involving 60 women. The study showed that D-mannose was equally effective in the treatment of cystitis. Further, D-mannose was  more effective than prophylactic sulfamethoxazole in helping to reduce both the frequency of infection and the length of infection.
  • A study in 308 women with frequent UTI problems found that D-mannose was as effective as nitrofurantoin. This study shows the effectiveness of D-mannose in preventing UTI infections over a period of six months.

The use of D-mannose for managing and preventing UTIs

Some studies have clearly shown the benefits of D-mannose in both the treatment and prevention of cystitis and UTIs. It is well known that  the use of antibiotics, both short-term and long-term can cause significant side effects including yeast infections, digestive disorders, heart disease, and skin problems which not ideal. For women who face the problem of recurring UTIs D-mannose, and advanced D-mannose herbal formulas are becoming more popular as an option for treatment.


D-mannose is available as an ingredient in herbal health and wellbeing supplements. These products can contain other helpful ingredients which are very useful in preventing UTIs and managing UTI symptoms.

One more treatment option is to use D-mannose and advanced herbal formulas in conjunction with antibiotics. This may be helpful in cases of UTI or cystitis with severe symptoms. Antibiotics can be given which are useful in preventing UTIs and managing UTI symptoms. At the same time, D-mannose can also be taken as a supplement and herbal formulas can reduce pain and inflammation. This combination will provide rapid relief from symptoms and is a more effective and long term solution

So in conclusion, herbal and plant-based supplements are proven to be helpful in managing UTI symptoms. The use of supplements like D-mannose can help prevent UTIs and reduce instances of recurrent infections.

We would offer a caveat and say that as a rule, Doctor’s would say that self-treating a UTI with D-mannose, or avoiding or delaying standard care, is unadvisable as it may lead to serious complications, including a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) and even permanent kidney damage.


What do you think?

What are your tips for dealing with Cystitis and UTI’s? What do you do that helps to heal your body and your mind in a healthy way? How do you bring a smile to your face even on your bad days? We would love to hear from you so do share your experiences.

As always, your interaction with our posts creates a reservoir of wisdom for all our readers to benefit from so please share your thoughts, stories and questions in the comments box below and remember to tweet, like and shout us out on Insta (@zenlamaworld) ~ thanks

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About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.

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