THE BEST OF: Personal Growth

23 Quotes about Courage, Hope and Inner Strength

23 Quotes About Courage, Hope And Inner Strength

What is Courage? Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. ~ Anonymous    Everyone of us has had to face challenges and adversity in life. If you have a beating heart, there is no getting away from it. When times get tough, it’s helpful ...
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Understanding the Benefits of Brainwaves and Binaural Beats – The Ultimate Quick Start Guide

Understanding the Benefits of Brainwaves and Binaural Beats – The Ultimate Quick Start Guide

If like me you have been interested and active in the mind-body-spirit movement for any length of time, I’m pretty sure that you have used creative visualisation. Most likely you have heard about or used some form of brainwave entrainment too. As you may know, entraining your brainwaves can be a highly effective method for personal growth. Different brainwave states ...
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How To Manifest Intentions Without Resistance

manifsest intentions without resistance -

If you are into the “power of positive thinking”, have seen The Secret and heard about The Law of Attraction you will be very familiar the theory of how to manifest intentions. We all understand the principal of manifestation, and that by focusing your mind and emotions on the thing your desire you can bring it into your reality quickly. ...
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Why Visualization is the Secret Ingredient To Success? (video)

vizualisation for success-

Visualise this thing that you want, see it, feel it,believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build. ~ Robert Collier What is visualisation for success? In its broadest definition visualisation is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message. It is a powerful technique that can be used to communicate your hopes, dreams and ...
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Is there a way to find long lasting love?

The road to true love is never smooth. For many, it can seem like something that is out of their grasp. But, you can find long lasting love. Love is out there for everybody. A healthy relationship is something that many people crave. Irrespective of where your life is taking you, everyone needs someone to love. However, the route to ...
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Meditation 101: Is meditation good for your heath and well-being?

Meditation 101: Is Meditation Good For Your Heath And Well-Being?

“All tasks of the world get done with the help of the mind. Meditation is the only thing that happens when mind gets eliminated.” ~Sirshree Today’s post talks about the amazing list of benefits Meditation will bring you. What is mediation? Meditation is an approach to training the mind to function optimally. In many ways, it is similar to the ...
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The power of lists – why lists make your life easier to manage

The power of lists - why lists male you life easier to manage

Have you noticed that people love to keep, and make lists?  Why is it that everywhere you turn there’s a list for this or that? Our everyday lives are littered with lists: laundry, grocery, to-do, wish-lists, birthday and anniversaries, catalog and collection lists, top ten lists… And the list goes on. While it may sound obvious that keeping lists of the ...
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Are You Wasting Your Time on the Law of Attraction?

Are You Wasting Your Time On The Law Of Attraction?

The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what theyshould have or would have done, or what they can’t do.~ Denis Waitley When I say to people that the law of attraction works consistently, they tell me that they have visualized & ...
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