The Essential Guide To Brainwave Entrainment & Binaural Beats

What is Brainwave Entrainment? 

Essentially ‘entrainment’ is a process of synchronising two different beats so that they become harmonious. Brainwave entrainment with binaural beats is an assisted form of meditation using sound or light pulses or both.

Your body contains an autonomic entrainment mechanism that syncs you up with strong, external rhythms, pulses or beats. We naturally entrain to the rhythms around us, although we are not aware of it most of the time.

Brain entrainment can be brought about by means of sounds that entrain brainwaves into certain natural and beneficial frequencies.

Think of it like a piano that needs re-tuning in order to play the notes at the right pitch. The binaural beats process works by ‘entraining’ the brain to work better and become more in tune with its optimal mode of functioning.

Who uses brainwave entrainment?

Brainwave entrainment is used by people who want to make a rapid change in their behaviour or state, and create lasting changes in their lives.  It is sometimes used by educators who play binaural beats and isochronic tones in the background during a class to help increase learning and concentration.

It is also becoming more common to find that heath professionals such as psychologists, medical doctors, and hypnotherapists, are integrating binaural tones and other brainwave entrainment processes into their patients’ treatment.

This short video gives a wonderful explanation and example of what brain entrainment, and binaural beats are and how they are of benefit to you.



Why do we need brainwave entrainment?

I am sure that I don’t need to explain how we all suffer from stress in one form or another. The effect of stress creates a hormone in our body called Cortisol.

Increased levels of Cortisol are very damaging to the brain and body.

High levels are linked to numerous health problems such as; depression, reduced bone density, thyroid problems, reduced cognitive performance, reduced muscle tissue, lowered immunity, blood-sugar imbalances, inflammation in the body, increased abdominal fat, and cholesterol imbalances.

The ‘cure’ for stress and reduced Cortisol is meditation. However, the benefits of meditation come with regular practice can take years to perfect.

How does brain entrainment help?

In traditional meditation practice, you are taught to focus on something to help still your mind and discipline yourself to remain focused.

With brainwave entrainment and binaural beats audios and technology, you don’t need to maintain focus in order to reap the benefits because technology creates the same brain waves in mere minutes that traditional meditation may take years for you to achieve.

It is, therefore, a shortcut to extraordinary results and also a form of meditation without effort.

What are the benefits of using brainwave entrainment?

The benefits are the same as traditional meditation. The primary difference is that you experience the benefits faster with binaural beats technology.

It’s a well-known fact that people who practice traditional methods of meditation usually require 5 to 8 years of disciplined effort before they realise deep positive transformations from their practice.

These transformations can be described as improving physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual well-being.

The benefits:

  1. The first noticeable benefit everyone experiences is stress relief.
  2. You experience an increase in your stress threshold.
  3. You feel calm, centred and optimistic.

Over time, due to a change in hormone levels in your body, you will:

  • Experience greater vitality and look younger than your age.
  • Think more effectively
  • Be more creative
  • Possess deeper insights
  • Be more emotionally balanced and expressive
  • Be more congruent in your actions and productivity

Your body is enabled to produce hormones essential for growth and rejuvenation.

Your stress hormones, cortisol, decreases as other hormones such as serotonin, catecholamines, DHEA, melatonin, endorphins and HGH increase.

Is there scientific and clinical evidence to prove the benefits of using brainwave entrainment?


Dr Vincent Giampapa, the head of Longevity Institute International and Past-President of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, tested the effect of audio brainwave entrainment on hormones. He found increased levels of melatonin and DHEA, and reduced levels of cortisol.

To sum up, briefly this is what they found

In certain brainwave frequencies, the brain releases numerous highly beneficial substances, including (HGH) human growth hormone. As we become older, the brain creates lesser quantities of these beneficial substances and we, therefore, develop various ageing symptoms and diseases.

  • At the slower Alpha and Theta brainwave patterns, production of DHEA and melatonin increases significantly.
  • One study noted an increase in DHEA of as much as 44%.
  • Some even had DHEA increases of up to 90%.

Impressive and encouraging findings, I’m sure you will agree.

You can also find support for the therapeutic benefits of the use of brainwave entrainment in a peer review article, Comprehensive Review of the Psychological Effects of Brainwave Entrainment by Tina L. Huang, PhD; Christine Charyton, PhD.

It confirms the benefits of binaural brainwave entrainment on super-learning, improved memory, I.Q, alleviating migraines and depression and enhancing creativity.

How does brainwave entrainment work?

Our brain is like an electrical organ made up of billions of nerve cells called neurons. They fire electrical signals and oscillate in distinctive arrangements called brainwave patterns.

These patterns are closely connected to your thoughts, emotions, moods, biological chemistry, everything you do, and really, everything you perceive you are.

These electrical signals of the brain can be shown on EEG monitors. They look like wave forms. These wave forms are called brainwaves and are grouped into Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta waves.

These brainwaves have been known to be associated with different peak mental states. For example:

  • Dreaming sleep: Creativity, insights and problem-solving abilities are known to be associated with theta waves.
  • Dreamless sleep: Our body’s growth hormones are mostly secreted in the delta state.

Let’s be honest, the average person will never take the time or discipline to entrain their brain for optimal brainwave activity and therefore never achieve the heightened states of ‘super consciousness’ acquired by Zen, Tibetan and Shaolin Monks are not easily accessible.

Hence, the average person tends to underachieve in life.

However, these states can be remembered and assessed through the use of neurotechnology such as brainwave entrainment.

Peak performance and whole brain functioning

Binaural beats stimulate these brainwaves through the use of carrier frequency tones that are inaudible to the ears but that the brain can register.

By repeatedly entraining the brain with these tones, your brain becomes conditioned to the frequencies and remembers how to activate brain states that correspond to peak performance states.

This state of performing at your highest potential is called whole brain functioning.

How do you use audio brainwave entrainment and what does it sound like?

The most popular and effective brainwave entrainment is the use of audio recordings with headphones or earphones. When you listen to binaural beats audios you will often hear soundscapes such as rainfall, forest streams, Tibetan bell, singing bowls. Some will include ambient music.

These sounds you hear do not create the brain entrainment. The entrainment is created by inaudible frequency tones or pulses embedded in the sounds. The soothing sounds that you hear mask the actual carrier tones or pulses.

These carrier tones and pulses are called binaural beats and/or isochronic tones. They are two vibrating or oscillating systems.

When they interact with each other they synchronise, and this synchronisation is what creates whole brain functioning and thereby an inner environment for you to produce and experience peak performance.

What are Binaural Beats?

Also, know as Binaural Tones are sounds that influence the brain. This effect was discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839 and it has been used widely since the 20th Century to help people relax, meditate, manage pain, reduce anxiety, and be more creative for more than 150 years.

When you listen to binaural beats/tones, you are actually listening to two slightly different pitched frequencies. Each frequency goes to each of your ears independently. When this happens your brain responds by creating a third tone, making up the difference between the two frequencies. This shift in frequency then shifts your brain’s consciousness and changes your state.

Over the years, these binaural tones have been thoroughly tested and researched. The brain entrainment technologies of today are scientifically proven to be effective, having a powerful effect on people’s mental, physical and emotional health and well-being.

Thus, with this powerful brain entrainment technology, it is now possible to bring about profound and significant change in a controlled and measured natural way with no will power required.

What are Isochronic Tones?

Isochronic tones are a powerful advancement in the field of brainwave entrainment. They are computer generated, rhythmically pulsed beats that safely, gently and effectively guide and entrain your brain to the most optimal brainwave frequencies.

You can choose the range of frequencies you want to experience. For example, if you want to focus attention to concentrate, you would choose an isochronic tone on the alpha wave range (7-13 Hz). On the other hand, someone wanting to reach deep meditation would set them down into the theta wave range (4-7 Hz).

These tones need to be audible, so you will hear them along with the music in the brain waves to the desired state more quickly.  Headphones are not necessary (although often still recommended).

 How do I use audio brainwave entrainment?

In my experience, it is best to listen to your brainwave entrainment audios for 30 minutes a day to start with. Once your brain is entrained (90 days) you may listen to 22 minutes twice a day.

When you listen daily for a period of time, you are exercising your brain. After a period of use, you seem to be able to reach those areas of your brain at will to perform functions that you would not have been able to do before.

I have found it most beneficial to get into a routine and either listen at night before bed or just upon waking up in the morning.

Do not listen while you are driving or working.

When can I experience the benefits?

Instantly when you use it the first time. Those who use it within days experience deep relaxation and stress reduction.

I have had clients and ZenLama subscribers report back to me that they are able to cope better with their work, think more clearly and generally feel more contented with life.

From what I have seen, I’m also certain that you will feel more connected with your environment and both feel and appear to be more at peace grounded and poised.

What’s more, as your brain entrainment practice develops and your left and right brain are being entrained to communicate with each other more effectively you will experience increased physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Who will benefit from brainwave entrainment?

Everyone so long as you are above age 17 and is not suffering from epilepsy or is wearing a heart pacemaker. You should also not be pregnant.

In general, brain entrainment is a good self-help and self-actualization method for folk who suffer from stress.

It’s also great for people that find it hard to concentrate (or pay attention).

Research shows that it is very effective as a way to regain and maintain their attitude and physiology of youthfulness.

And of course, it is a key self-improvement method and discipline for those who with to get ahead in life through expanding and living their true potential.


What do you think?

Do you use binaural beats to enhance your meditation, increase concentration or to help you sleep?  We would love to hear about it.

As always, your interaction with our posts creates a reservoir of wisdom for all our readers to benefit from so please share your thoughts, stories and questions in the comments box below and remember to tweet, like and +1 ~ thanks
Additional Resources
Understanding the Benefits of Brainwaves and Binaural Beats – The Ultimate Quick Start Guide
5 Free binaural beats audios from

About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.


  1. Just Started using mp3
    ….Thanks for Article really helped…

  2. Great article, nice to see another good site extolling the goodness of Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment!

    Interesting to see you recommmend these tracks for people aged over 17 when usually the recommendation is for people over 18. These tracks have a huge amount to offer anybody studying and going through school, so 17 and over is good as it means a lot more students can enjoy the benefits of better concentration and memory.

    Looking forward to more of your great work, thanks again!

    • i want to know how to use the different beats like alpha,theta.gamma,beta etc for how much time a day.And too for what work we need which beats for beginners.

      Thank you!

      • Dr.G.K.Singh Parihar

        I am beginner 68 yrs age retired ,patient of cad and dementia,I have started to use since 15 th feel progress in attitude memory and relaxation my left side body become weak , support me thanks

        • Dr.G.K.Singh Parihar

          Sir I like this binaural beats therapy ,I am 68 yrs cad and dementia patient since 15 days I am listening beat I feel better, thanks,give me further help.

          • I am almost 63 and am just beginning this. I do meditate and it really helps to relax me and keep me less stressed and even. A natural diet, especially lots of greens may help the dementia (I’m about this in my near future, so research this stuff). Here’s a link I thought you’d like:
            If the left side of your body is weak, you may want to see your doctor. I would not expect that as a reaction to binaural beats…but I honestly don’t know the affects it has on the body-mind connection once you get more balanced. Good luck in everything! Live healthy, be happy, enjoy every minute and let go the little things (especially politics!). Peace.

  3. I’m kind of new to brainwave entrainment. So even though I might have been skeptic at first, my very first experience was rather surprising. I know, I’m probably among millions of people expressing the effects and benefits of brainwave enhancing auditory stimuli. But truth be told, if you have the right tone, the perfect serene place, and an unshakable determination? Then you’re on the right track. So I’d say? Give brainwave entrainment a try. You’re bound to feel the great benefits of these powerful, yet simple methods of mental boosters. Oh! Before I forget. Thank you for the interesting script mademoiselle. 🙂

  4. I have spending time in a floatation tank for the last 9months and just recently added the audio of crystal bowls into the tank. HOLY FLOAT! If you have experienced the bowls live then you know the physical experience that they produce; aside from the meditative side. Well, this effect is accentuated 10fold while in the tank. I have also started to float with binural entrainment audio and have seen a few effects.
    Concentration is focused, inner peace, contentment are abound.
    If you have the chance…float. If you have done the float and entrainment please send your experience to me and if you havn’t floated and want to hear about it… let me know.
    Everyone should float.

    • Hello Jim. Thank you for the very long comment. We really appreciate your interaction with Zen Lama.

      I agree, floating is an amazing experience and it is always enhanced by good vibrations 🙂 made by natural sounds and music.

    • Where can I float? Where are you floating? I’m in KC I. The US. Just started with brain entrainment & it’s amazing! I’ve slept better Have more energy & feel I am on a wonderful adventure at 57 years old! Ahhhh thank you!! Joni Williams

  5. I filed out the form as required to get the bineural beats, but never received them. Can you please do as your site promises?

  6. if i use different audios for i.q. , better sleeping, focus on study in a day (total approx 4-5 hr).
    is there any broblem or it’ll be less beneficial?

  7. Maya, do I need to do any breathing while listening to the audio? Or just listen?

  8. I just started to use the Binaural beats with subliminal message , I started to feel so much better right away . I am addicted and spend several hours a day on it as i am busy at home doing thing .

  9. My question is using the Alpha Isochronic Tones- it says not to use while driving or working. But what about listening while you study? I’m studying for a rather difficult exam and I’m looking for something to use while actually learning/reading the material for focus, concentration & comprehension. Thanks! And are the Alpha tones the best tones for this?

  10. Your style is unique in comparison to other folks I have read stuff from.

    Many thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this blog.

  11. Sounds cool. I didn’t try it yet but I’ll try it.

    • Preet did you sign up for our free binaural beats MP3’s? We are getting great feedback from people who receive them. I am sure you will love the results of using them too. Simply go to the top of the page and click on the subscribe button. ENJOY!

  12. How does one use brainwave entrainment and binaural beats to focus on emplanting changes in the subconscious, other than self hypnosis

    • It works directly on portions of the brain that result in “action,” whether mental or physical action. It bypasses “logical” thinking (beta wave thinking – our normal, “awake and aware” state) which may be telling us we can’t do something. That’s oversimplified but that’s basically the mechanism. 🙂

  13. You claim this is scientifically validated, any links pointing to good research? thanks

  14. Just curious, why isn’t it recomended for kids under seventeen? I understand that it might mess with hormones, but it would be helpful in high school.

  15. Good article. Richard, there are numerous studies dictating the research behind entrainment. Please see for a list of many peer reviewed studies. The author here is totally correct in his labeling of brainwave entrainment as a therapy tool. Hope this helps. There are other studies out there as well, one only needs to Google it.

  16. Hmm it looks like your site ate my first comment
    (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I submitted and
    say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I as well am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to everything.
    Do you have any helpful hints for inexperienced blog writers?
    I’d definitely appreciate it.

  17. Hi.Thanks for your article.
    I have a few questions.
    1-Is there any site giving high quality MP3s for brainwave entertainment?
    2-Do I need an advanced Headphone or handsfreee to listen to this MP3s?I have a Xperia Neo V Phone.Can I listen with it?
    3-Do I have to just listen to them?
    4-can I use it for becoming lucid dreamer faster?

    • Hey Ramin. Thank you for all your questions. They are do great that I though I would answer them in a blog post. So please come back and check for a new post in the MIND section in a couple of days. Thank you for your interest. ~ Maya

  18. I was just learning about this brainwave entrainment and now am very disappointed in that I am best able to utilize the information with headphones. I am deaf in one ear, I lost it from a fall off of an 80 foot cliff about 35 years ago. The impact blew out my right eardrum when my head impacted a rock on the way down. Any suggestions? Chip

    • Hello Chip, I did a little research for you and it looks hopeful. “Even when a person is deaf binaural beats can work. By putting the headphones with the binaural recordings behind the ear, the sound waves travel to the brain through the scull and entrain the brain just the same.” I can not corroborate 100% that this id a fact, however, if you are willing to give it a go I would love to hear how this technique works for you. Please keep my updated as to your progress and results. ~ Maya

  19. Brainwave entrainment technology is the best aid to reach deep meditative states, as it puts the brain in a frequency associated with meditation

  20. Hello, I’m interested in the use of alpha music and brain entrainment in supporting dementia sufferers – is there any research into this?
    Many thanks

  21. emmanuel Shewarega

    hey thanks for wonderful ideas you posted. am kinda new to this whole idea and i was wondering if you could tell me with what types of audio tracks should i begin with. or if you could suggest some trusted and effective you tube videos, i would appreciate it. guys i will post my experiences when i have tried this thing. Thank you very much for your help Maya.

  22. ashraf from Malaysia..I have to make a research based on the title of Binaural can i make u as my source of information..bcoz u are so cool..tq..please email me

  23. Hanneke den Hartigh


    Recent research (Reedijk et al., 2013) indicates that people respond differently to binaural beats. Via an online questionnaire we investigate a possible relation with personality traits. Research is carried out under the auspices of the University of Amsterdam. Participation is voluntary and anonymous and highly appreciated!

  24. There are many good programs out there that combine Brain Entrainment, and just love them. I use many great Adobe products, one them being Audition that has a tone generator built into the program and made my first audio with some great music, layering the track with a 10 Hz Alpha frequency.

  25. What’s that instrument you used at the end of the video?

  26. Nalinaksha Mutsuddi

    I’m suffering from impairment of hearing due to age and back pain. it’s only about a week I am trying and yet to register a positive outcome. let me see for a few more days.

  27. I want to have wireless headphones that best utilize embedded binaural beats and brainwave entrainment sound technologies. What do you recommend? I have only looked at Bose and thought I would ask before purchasing.

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    • Thank you. Yes we are aware of the spelling and typo issues on some of the posts. The sight is so big that it’s tough to find them all. As you have mentioned this and it bothers you, if you would be so kind please let us know the page and we will edit it.

  31. Give thanks. I am currently on a journey of discovery in regard to brainwave entrainment. I have shared this information with individuals with ADD as well as other chronic and serious physical ailments. I plan to continue to share with those I know who are suffering depression. I am totally amazed, almost stunned at how well this works. I do believe in the creator. I am humbly giving thanks. Incrediable. Much love and light to all especiallly to Andy for sharing this elegant modality.

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  33. Hi please can u help me I have anxiety mainly due to sleep issues and I tried hypnotherapy two years ago and I had a very bad effect I have tried to reverse it but it’s not too good I always have to get into this trance at nite and then try to sledp I wake up in the morning with my head pulling every day if I listen to delta wave music will it help me get out this state and dies delta wave music gradually take u down to sleep please help urgent

  34. I am actually thankful to the owner of this website who has shared this great paragraph at here.

  35. I have been using binural beats for several years now. The times i use it most are when I am suffering from insomnia, anxiety, or just an overactive thought process. I find I wake up fully refreshed and ready to take on the new day. I have also used it at work to help me focus when there is a lot of noise in the office.

  36. Hi,

    I have really bad driving anxiety and I have difficulty reading. I am not sure if they are connected. Which brainwave do you recommend listening to? Beta or gamma? Thank you 🙂

  37. Love the resources and would love to share some information on my page

  38. Do you have to be laying down and/or have your eyes closed while listening to binaural beats? Or, can I take a leisurely walk and listen at the same time? Could I ask you to please respond to may email as well as in the comment thread? Thanks!

  39. But I am 16 does that mean it wont be benefit forme?! 🙁
    And thanks for the article …needed it ♡

  40. Here is the video with complete binaural beats – 48 of them. Check it out:

  41. Greetings. I have been told that I’m cross wired. Doo i listen to head phones in opposition? Left ear in right and vice versa?

    • Hello there Moksha. Cross wired or not, simply use your headphones in the normal way for you. The important thing is that each ear receives a slightly different set of sounds. Thanks for asking.

  42. I am thankful to you for sharing this awesome article with this helpful knowledge. Here is another very useful article about Binaural Beats Study I really appreciate your efforts.

  43. Hi there,I read your blogs named “The Beginners Guide to Binaural Beats & Brainwave Entrainment | Zenlama”. Great article. Very informative. Your writing style is so easy to read. I come back every week. Thank you, please add more info on this subject to your blog.

  44. Hi, can you please guide me on how to properly schedule my listening session in a day if I want to exercise my brain with theta, alpha, SMR and beta brainwaves daily. Is gamma also recommendable to use?

    Hoping for your kind response. Thank you.

  45. Hi Maya!

    I’m a musician and I’m interested in learning how to create binaural music. Do you have any suggestions? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  46. There is so much detailed information here on binaural beats, thank you for sharing this great resource; as it truly is a value for such an understudied part of science.

    I bid you well on your journey with binaural beats and again thank you for sharing.

  47. Thank you so much for the article. I have two questions: One is, can I use two or more different waves daily? For example delta to sleep, and alpha to focus? Like two or more diferent tones a day in different moments everyday?
    The other question is, what is the difference between binaural beats and isochronic tones?
    p.s. I have another question, I use to see on youtube that there is the 528 healing frequency. What group of brainwaves would this one fits?

  48. Hi there – I’m a binaural brainwave entrainment newbie and have had well-controlled epilepsy for the last 20 years. I experienced beautiful stress relief and a sense of quas- self acceptance the day after my first exposure to Theta waves. I will check with my neurologist, of course, but is it completely necessary for those with this condition to miss out on the benefits binaural beat therapy can bring?

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