THE BEST OF: Energy Healing

The 7 Chakras – A Beginners Guide To Your Energy System

Chakras – A Beginners Guide To Your Energy System

What on Earth is a Chakra? In many spiritual and healing disciplines, and in the world of complementary medicine the word Chakra pops up quite a bit. That’s fine if you know its meaning; not so great, and I must say pretty confusing, if you don’t. Here’s our simple summary of the 7 Chakras that covers what a Chakra is, ...
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Chakra Balancing- How to charge up your energy body batteries

chakra clearing tips

Why Is Chakra Clearing Important?     Chakras are centres within our body’s physical, and etheric energy fields. They are the portals or gates through which Life Force flows in and out of our being. These vital energy centers are sensitive to energy and often become clogged with residues from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual disturbances and traumas. Any build-up ...
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18 Energy Healing Exercises You Can Try Right Now

18 Energy Healing Exercises

As human beings we are more than our physical bodies. We are comprised of life force energy often referred to as Qi or Chi. This is a spiritual life force that constantly feeds and nourishes us. Our physical bodies would not exist without it. We all have the capacity to connect with our Qi and use energy healing techniques such ...
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The 10 top symptoms of your spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening by Alice Popkorn

Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back ~ John O’Donohue Are you going crazy or simply stepping into a spiritual awakening? We are living in a time where it is becoming increasingly normal for people to embrace their spiritual sides. Even people that would not use the label of spirituality are open to concepts ...
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ENERGY MEDICINE 101: What is Thought Field Therapy?

“The energy of life entering and leaving your body flows evenly throughout the universe. With that current, the mind of the cosmos communicates with all things.” ~ Ilchi Lee Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a SIMPLE, QUICK and extremely POWERFUL technique that gets right to the root of emotional, and often physical problems, to clear stress, anxiety, phobias and much ...
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ENERGY MEDICINE 101: What Is Energy Medicine?

healing energy

The term energy medicine usually refers to putative energy fields (energy that is presumed to exist). Although it can’t be measured in conventional ways, therapists or energy healers say they can see it, sense it or feel it. Energy healing or energy medicine is based on the fundamental premise that everyone’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes are made of energy. ...
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ENERGY MEDICINE 101: What is Kinesiology and Muscle Testing?

What is Kinesiology and Muscle Testing?

The body heals itself in a sure, sensible, practical, reasonable, observable, predictable manner. The healer within can be approached from without. ~ Dr. George Goodheart The word Kinesiology comes from the Greek word kinesis, meaning motion. In the medical sciences, it is the name given to the study of muscles and the movement of the body. Kinesiology is best pronounced ...
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ENERGY MEDICINE 101: What is Crystal Healing?

What is Crystal Healing?

The crystal works much the same way that a laser does: it takes scattered rays of energy and makes the energy field so coherent and unidirectional that a tremendous force is generated. ~ Dr. Marcel Vogel Crystal Healing is a method of energy medicine that uses crystals placed on or around the body. Crystals have been used to heal and ...
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