Why Success Always Starts With Failure

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
~ Robert F. Kennedy

Most of us are frightened of failure and ashamed to admit it, but it seems that failure is such an important component in success, that if we are not prepared to face the prospect of it, we simply will not learn to succeed.

It’s an interesting thought, isn’t it?



In this Wonderful video Tim Harford explains why success always starts with failure – here’s a short transcript:

  1. Be willing to fail A LOT
  2. Fail on a survivable scale
  3. Own it and Adapt
  4. Learn to spot a failure and fix it early

As someone who’s failed, and adapted a lot, I really enjoyed Hartford’s ideas and observations. What about you?

We love to know what you think

Please do come back here and share your thoughts, opinions and ideas with us. And, it goes without saying that if you found this video useful please pay-it-forward and share with your friends ~ thanks.


Additional Resources:
Tim’s latest book “Adapt“
You Can’t Be a Failure: The Quest for Meaning, Success, Love, & the Freedom to Choose Your Path

About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.

One comment

  1. I have never been a fan of failing, however I found it can be the way in which we learn how to do somethings the right way because we learn what not to do.
    It took over 1000 wrong ways to build a lightbulb to get its design right.
    Doesn’t that just speak volumes.

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