Sleep and weight gain: What’s the connection?

The link between sleep, gaining weight and weight loss explained

Recent studies have suggested an association between how much sleep you get and how heavy you are. It seems that sleeping less than five — or more than nine hours — a night is likely to increase the size of your waist line.

This is a fascinating video by Michael Lucia, M.D. that discusses and explains what lack of sleep can do to your health, how it can scupper your weight-loss program and its connection to insulin resistance; the cause of type 2 diabetes.

Share your sleep tips.

Do you have a great story or tip to share with others who are struggling with getting a good night sleep? What works for you might help someone else.

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Additional Resources
How to Lose Weight in Your Sleep:  Easy No Diet Weight Loss Secrets to Be at Your Dream Weight
Say Goodnight to Insomnia: A Drug-Free Programme Developed at Harvard Medical School

About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.


  1. Wow, seems maybe doctors should take sleep disorders more seriously then they seem to, and maybe when diagnosing a patient with being overweight they should enquire about his/her sleeping patterns, offer solutions or leaflets with possiable non drug relatied solutions e.g. herbal teas and the like.

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