Tag Archives: Food

Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Ease Pain And Heal Your Body

Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Foods Heal Your Body

Did you know that that is a link between the food you eat and the state of your health? Many common ailments such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, allergies, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes can be made better or worse by the food you eat? Rather than simply relying on pain medication (and risk the long term side effects) to ...
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Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods! Facinating Video Evidence Shows What Really Happens Inside Your Body When You Eat

Gut Feeling

There’s no getting away from it. What you put into your body defines your potential for lifelong health. If you care about giving your body the nutritional support it needs for total wellness – especially if you are a parent – watch this! It’s an amazing video give you undeniable insight into the consequences of what you choose and shows ...
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