Planning a wedding- 6 secrets to stress free success

Your wedding day is one of the biggest days in your life. When you’re getting married, you will have loads of different things on your mind. For some people, the impending wedding means that they become super organized and can deal with anything. For others, the wedding planning process is a stressful period. The important thing to remember is that your wedding day is about you and your partner. You need to focus on planning a day that suits the two of you. Don’t let everything cause you stress. Instead, read these six secrets to a successful wedding day.

Planning a wedding- 6 secrets to success

Image by Katsu Nojiri

1. Trust your instincts

When people find out that you’re getting married, they will want to get involved. There is nothing people love more than helping others to plan a wedding. The problem is, though that this is your wedding, not their wedding. You should listen to people’s ideas, but don’t let them pressure you into creating their dream wedding. Trust your instincts and create a wedding that suits you and your partner.

2. Find your relationship balance

Before you embark on your married life together, you need to find the perfect relationship balance. Many couples spend years trying to sync their lives. Make sure that you and your husband-to-be take the time to discover each other again. Take a break together before the wedding so that you can spend some quality time together. For some couples, the lead up to the wedding is the perfect time to get some relationship counselling. You might think that counselling is only for people with failing marriages. That is not the case. Counselling will help you to accept one another before you get married. When you take the time to talk about your feelings, you discover new things about each other. It is better to get all the kinks out of your relationship before you get married.

3. Take care of the small details

When it comes to planning a wedding, it is the small details that matter. Make sure you take notice of the tiny details when you plan your big day. What are you going to do for a wedding car? It’s the small details like transport that people often neglect to consider. Book yourself a luxury vehicle from South Coast Vintage before your big day. If you leave things too late, you will end up having a tacky limo. Think about every aspect of your wedding when you’re planning. Doing so will mean that everything is perfect.

4. Ignore family feuds

All families have arguments. You may think your family is the only one in the world that fights, but it’s not. In reality, most families have feuds and arguments. When you are planning your wedding, you need to ignore those arguments. Excluding certain family members or arranging the seating plan to suit people’s needs will make you sad. Your wedding day is not about arguments or fights. Your family members will need to be good on your wedding day, no matter what they think of each other.

5. Make a life plan together

Many people think that a wedding is just about getting married. It’s not. When you get married, you are creating a union. That unbreakable bond will mean that you combine your life journeys. In the weeks before your wedding day, sit down together and start making genuine life plans. Think about what you both want in the future and how you can work together to get it. When you have an open discussion about your future, you make sure that you will be happy together. Make a list of the things that are important to each of you, and see how you can work towards your goals together. Doing so will bring you closer as a couple.

6. Don’t stress yourself out too much

Planning a wedding is stressful, but you must not worry too much. At the end of the day, you will remember all the good things about your wedding, not any minor issues you had. In the week leading up to your wedding, take the time to relax. Book yourself into a spa and chill out for a few days. Worrying right up until your wedding day will mean your wedding day is no fun. Take the time to relax so that you can be at your best on the big day.

Now it’s time for your say?

When it comes getting married and planning your special day there is no shortage of advice. Some will be helpful, some not so much. We would love to hear about the best tips you were given, and the ones that did not work out so well. So feel free to share your stories about the big day itself, especially the romantic, disastrous and funny ones.

As always, your interaction with our posts creates a reservoir of wisdom for all our readers to benefit from so please share your thoughts, stories and questions in the comments box below and remember to tweet, like and +1 ~ Thanks.

Additional Resources
Wedding Planning Stress? How To Use Your Wedding To Strengthen Your Relationship
The Ultimate Wedding Planning Guide

About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.

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