Author Archives: Maya Mendoza

Meditation plus Water Element Equals Body Cleansing

I have been searching for different meditation techniques around the internet and I came across the article “Using Water to Clear Your Subtle Body”. This is a type of meditation technique in which water is used to help ground and cleans both our physical and energy bodies. The technique is called “Sahaja Yoga Clearance Technique“, or the Foot Soaking [Water Treatment]. I ...
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Life without limbs? Or life without limits?

Why is it that Nick Vujicic is a person who inspires the world? Born with what many people would believed to be a massive handicap and disadvantage, he has become a figure for hope, faith, trust and inspiration for thousands of people across the globe. But it wasn’t always that way for him. This is a poignant  candid and touching video interview of Nick Vujicic’s extraordinary story. It takes you from ...
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How a Vision Board Will Help You To Create Your Ideal Life

A vision board is a time proven technique that helps you to define and focus on your hopes, goals and dreams. Many people believe that Vision boarding has its roots in the Law of Attraction, however, Native cultures have been using this technique for centuries as a ritual that helps to focus and refocus the mind.   There are subtle ...
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5 New EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Resources for Post Traumatic Stress

5th Annual Tapping World

Post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as (PTSD) is a debilitating form of anxiety disorder that is known to develop after someone experiences exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. Symptoms can be severe and very disruptive for the person struggling with them. They include re-experiencing the original trauma(s) through flashbacks or nightmares, avoidance of stimuli associated with the ...
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Can you protect yourself from listeria contaminated foods sold in supermarkets and fast food chains

It is apparent that there is an increase in the number of people  being infected by  listeria contaminated foods they have purchased in supermarkets or consumed in fast food chains: Although listeria has been in the again recently it is not the only culprit. Foodborne illness strikes thousands of Americans every year. So what can you so about it?  Is there any proven way that ...
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