Tag Archives: zen

Zen, How To Develop A Mindful Approach To Life

Zen Breathe Pebble

A lot of people ask me how a mindful zen approach to living helps me accept the changes in my life. The answer is simple. I constantly find myself “pausing”. Stopping for a mere moment, or a mindful minute, between the busy and chaotic phases of my day. This video explains the practice of the Zen Pause – better known ...
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Daily Inspiration Video – Change Happens

Change Happens

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly ~ Henri Bergson This short video about change is quite a contrast to the one I shared with you earlier in the week. This approach is a more gentle and accepting, presenting a go with the flow take on the inevitable ...
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Does Mindfulness Meditation Relieve Chronic Inflammation? New Study Reports Its Findings

Mindfulness meditation-based techniques

Mindfulness meditation-based techniques have long been used for stress management and to bring relief to people suffering from the symptoms of chronic pain. Yet to date there have not been many studies that specifically examine the physiological benefits that can be gained from mindfulness practice. Now a study conducted by researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Waisman Center ...
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