Tag Archives: Mind

Six simple ways to overcome anxiety

How to overcome Anxiety

You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen. ~Kody Keplinger Most people can relate to feeling a little anxious from time to time. However, if anxiety begins to affect your daily activities, it should be considered a problem that you need to ...
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How To Be Happier – 4 To Tips To Feeling Good

The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have ~ Woody Allen Do you know how to make yourself feel good? Would you like to know how to feel happier when you are feeling stressed or down? It seems you are not alone. Scientists believe that your brain has a built-in “negativity ...
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The Power Of Placebos – Is Science Discovering The Brain’s Secret Healing Codes

The Power Of Placebos – Is Science Discovering The Brain’s Secret Healing Codes

My question is, what is placebo? We hear the word and think it means ‘fake.’ Well, the placebo effect works. ~ Dean Neary So what is the placebo effect? In a nutshell, it is the measurable and observable improvement in a person’s health that is not attributable to a prescription medication or medical treatment. In this fascinating documentary video “Placebo: Cracking ...
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