The term energy medicine usually refers to putative energy fields (energy that is presumed to exist). Although it can’t be measured in conventional ways, therapists or energy healers say they can see it, sense it or feel it.
Energy healing or energy medicine is based on the fundamental premise that everyone’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes are made of energy. Therefore, if we are all infused with this often referred to as qi (pronounced chee), we can channel or use its power for healing.
In Chinese medicine energy is called qi; in Ayurvedic medicine it is doshas; in traditional Hindu metaphysics, the word is chakras (illustrated in the photo at bottom). Therapies such as acupuncture and acupressure, re-connective healing and reiki work on these energies to restore health and well-being.
The premise behind this century old healing methodologies is that our body’s system is what cures. Doctor’s and medicine support the process, but the body is the healing engine.
The Energy Medicine Institute says that energy medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care. It can address physical illness and emotional or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance.
Here are some thoughts about the human energy field and energy medicine by some of the great Energy Therapy Pioneers.
In a few decades, scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body, to an absolute certainty that it exists. Moreover, science is explaining the roles of energy fields in health and disease. The main reason for the recent change in outlook is the development of sensitive instruments that can detect the minute energy fields around the human body. ~ James Oschman, PhD:
It is my firm belief, after more than a half-century of reading, debating, questioning, and contemplating, that the human body is surrounded by something that I call a life field.
This life field conveys vitality to your physical body and provides you with your spirit. Whenever you feel a disturbance or an injury, the life field manifests its shock in the physical body with a depletion of energy. If left unchecked, this deficiency can lead to dysfunction, disease, and, ultimately, to the body’s total collapse; but if the deficiency is discovered and restored, the body can repair the health that it has lost. ~ Robert Fulford DO
A healer’s power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses. ~ Eric Micha’el Leventhal
We have recently added a number of ENERGY MEDICINE 101 articles for you to explore. Please take the time to explore the energy medicine category here in to learn more about the various techniques available to you.
What do you think?
Is energy medicine something you have tried? What techniques have been successful for you? What would you recommend it to others?
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NOTE: This information may not cover all possible claims, uses, actions, precautions, side effects or interactions. It is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation with your doctor, who is familiar with your medical situation.
Great article on energy healing and the illustration as well. I look forward to exploring your other 101 articles!