Just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you imagined.
~ Si RobertsonAre we a victim of circumstances or do we have more choice and opportunity than we realise?
I have come to understand that life is a journey filled with challenges and unexpected turns. Our opportunity is to learn, grow, evolve from our experiences. If we take the line that Life is for our benefit we can be empowered to progress towards our goals.
Yes I realise that we don’t all get a level playing field. Circumstances can be overwhelming. Life doesn’t always seem to be fair. There is truth in all that.
And yet, human beings are amazing. Whether we realise it or not we are all designed for our own brand of greatness. You have the power within you to overcome any obstacle and create a better, more interesting, more satisfying future. Whatever that may look like for you trust in your higher intelligence, and know that you have a spark of genius in your bones.
Embrace the present moment. Breath into Life. Breath a lot. Meditate. Let your destiny awake within you. Take bold and audacious action towards your dreams. Because your actions and choices become your reality.
Remember, the past is gone, the future has yet to happen, all we have is this moment. Use it wisely and abundantly to create the best life you can imagine.
Maya Mendoza