About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.


  1. The photographer who took that picture is a friend of mine, the least you coud do is credit him in your post

  2. This photo is mine and was used here without my permission. I already sent you a Twitter note about it. Kindly take it down.

    • So sorry about that – its a beautiful picture. I would like to credit it to you with a link if you will allow up to keep it up. Where would you like the credit to., If not I will happily take it down and replace it. Let me know what you decide. Thank you.

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