Author Archives: Our Guest Authors

Chakra Balancing- How to charge up your energy body batteries

chakra clearing tips

Why Is Chakra Clearing Important?     Chakras are centres within our body’s physical, and etheric energy fields. They are the portals or gates through which Life Force flows in and out of our being. These vital energy centers are sensitive to energy and often become clogged with residues from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual disturbances and traumas. Any build-up ...
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The power of lists – why lists make your life easier to manage

The power of lists - why lists male you life easier to manage

Have you noticed that people love to keep, and make lists?  Why is it that everywhere you turn there’s a list for this or that? Our everyday lives are littered with lists: laundry, grocery, to-do, wish-lists, birthday and anniversaries, catalog and collection lists, top ten lists… And the list goes on. While it may sound obvious that keeping lists of the ...
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5 Top Tips for Becoming A Money Magnet

5 top tips for becoming a money magnet

We do not attract what we want, but what we are ~ James Lane Allen Like it or not, your current financial situation is a direct reflection of your inner relationship with money. If you don’t like your finances, something needs to change in your relationship with it. What really works when it comes to attracting more money, anyway? If ...
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The pleasures of pursuing postmenopausal zest

postmenopausal zest

The most powerful force in the world is a menopausal woman with zest. ~ Margaret Mead Postmenopausal zest is a phrase coined by anthropologist Margaret Mead. It is a time when we are not concerned about birth control, PMS, painful cramps or other monthly inconveniences. “This”, she says, “is freedom.” It is a stage of life that is free of many ...
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Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about distant energy healing and your chakras

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about distant energy healing and your chakras

Energy work is priceless. It makes every day extraordinary and transforms the mundane to the holy. ~ Silvia Hartmann How distant energy and chakra healing works Chakras are subtle energy centres in the spine. They govern every aspect of life. The chakras have been written about in many ancient writings from different cultures especially yoga philosophy. Traditionally most texts recognise ...
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