27 Ways To Have Valentine’s Day Every Day (Or, How To Keep That Loving Feeling Forever)

People have all sorts of reactions when Valentine’s Day comes around – some think it’s just too commercialised, and others can feel upset or neglected if they don’t get the traditional flowers chocolates or a card from their spouse or partner.

Here is Dr. Laura’s take on why Valentines Day is something we should not ignore.

On a personal note. I prefer to relax and not get caught up in the inevitable emotions, expectations and hype about romantic traditions or holidays. I really do stand by the belief that there are 365 days a year to show people how much you love, care and appreciate them.

I realise that sometimes our lives become so busy and routine that showing our love can slide further and further down our priority list. Yet, there are so many small but significant ways to show our appreciation, gratitude and love and most of them take very little time at all…

Here is a list of my favorite things I enjoy doing for the significant people in my life to remind them that despite the business of our lives that they are special and valued.

  1. Leave a love note on the bathroom mirror, in their wallet, on their computer, or in their lunch box
  2. Flirt with them….flirting is fun and builds anticipation
  3. Call or text out of the blue especially on a busy day
  4. Plan to spend the entire day in bed. Whether your own bed or a weekend away it’s just great to spend time being relaxed and lazy together!
  5. Cook together… choose a favorite recipe or a brand new one and have some fun in the kitchen
  6. When your partner is in the shower – warm up their towels in the dryer
  7. Leave a chocolate and an “I Love You” note on their pillow or at their home office desk
  8. Send them a greeting card-yes-snail mail-even if (especially if) you live in the same house!
  9. Send them on a Scavenger Hunt. Give them a card with the first clue that sends them to a florist to pick up flowers you bought for them and the next clue, coffee shop (next clue), gift store, wherever you’d like. End the hunt at restaurant where you will be waiting. (Have them take a camera and record the hunt)
  10. Kiss their forehead. Woman AND men find this loving and comforting so make them feel cherished
  11. Wash their feet – when they come home from a long hard day, greet them with a basin of warm soapy water and gently wash and dry their feet.
  12. Plan a wild -n- wacky trip. Choose a fun location you’ve never been to and participate in activities that are new and different. Take the camera.
  13. Be spontaneous – pull the car over to the side of the road, take their face in your hands and tell them you love them.
  14. Watch a sunrise or a sunset together.
  15. Take a long drive with no agenda and no destination in mind.
  16. Touch them reverently, softly, lovingly in a non sexual way
  17. Make them a cd of their favorite songs and design a special cover with one of the photos you took on your wild -n- wacky trip
  18. Randomly text or tell them a joke. Write one on a slip of paper and tuck it in their briefcase, lunch, favorite book or wallet.
  19. Compose an old fashioned love letter for them and leave it for them to find while you are away.
  20. Hold Hands – while walking, while watching tv, while talking to friends/family. Show public displays of affection!
  21. Print out a colorful list of the many things you love about them and frame it as a special gift.
  22. Take a bubble bath together. Drop rose petals in the water and light some candles. Pour some wine and turn on some romantic music.
  23. Smile at them often, for no reason. Catch their eye in public places and wink.
  24. On any day of the year – for no reason at all have flowers, balloons, chocolates, lunch or a small gift delivered to them at work. Sign the card, “Celebrating you!”
  25. Dance- at home, in public, in the moonlight, and especially in the rain.
  26. Make a picnic. Lie in a field and watch the clouds.
  27. Listen attentively to their dreams – and every day in a quiet way help them have them come true.


What abut you? What do you think about Valentine’s day? Do you do anything special for you spouse or partner? Let’s talk about it.

As always, your interaction with our posts creates a reservoir of wisdom for all our readers to benefit from so please share your thoughts, stories and questions in the comments box below and remember to tweet, like and +1 ~ thanks



About Maya Mendoza

Maya Mendoza is a published author of 3 personal development books. She has run an NLP / EFT Practice for 29 years helping clients transform problems into personal power. Maya is also a accomplished copywriter and well known Digital Marketing & Social Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Google+ for business. She was named "best marketing consultant" in Glasgow, UK in 2013.  
Maya works with Authors, Coaches and Small Business owners helping them sky-rocket thier income by achieving "expert authority" status within thier niche. If you want help in building your expert profile on-line then take a look at to learn more about how Maya's expertise can showcase yours across the web.


  1. Hey Zen Lama! Gamers need all the help we can get. This list really should be “how to get and keep that loving feeling”. I think tip 6: Cook together, and tip 17: Make them a cd of their favorite songs are great. Thanks

  2. Oh thanks for valuable tips, will keep on reading your blog!

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