Tag Archives: stress relief

5 Proven Ways to Cope With Stress and Anxiety (and feel better fast).

5 Proven Ways To Cope With Stress And Anxiety

For many people stress and anxiety has become a chronic condition that negatively effects thier lives. There are numerous emotional and physical and psychological disorders that have been linked to stress. These include over eating, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, panic attacks, heart problems, stroke, hypertension, and immune system disturbances that increase susceptibility to coughs, colds and other infections. If ...
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5 simple stress relief strategies that will leave you smiling

5 Simple Stress Relief Strategies That Will Leave You Smiling

Releasing the pressure, it’s good for the teapot and the water. Try it sometime  ~ Jeb Dickerson Have you noticed how some people just seem to breeze through life with comparative ease? Nothing seems to hold them back and they handle problems in a matter of fact way, efficiently and with minimal stress. These people have an emotional resilience and tolerance ...
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