Tag Archives: Procrastination

How To Manifest Intentions Without Resistance

manifsest intentions without resistance -

If you are into the “power of positive thinking”, have seen The Secret and heard about The Law of Attraction you will be very familiar the theory of how to manifest intentions. We all understand the principal of manifestation, and that by focusing your mind and emotions on the thing your desire you can bring it into your reality quickly. ...
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5 simple stress relief strategies that will leave you smiling

5 Simple Stress Relief Strategies That Will Leave You Smiling

Releasing the pressure, it’s good for the teapot and the water. Try it sometime  ~ Jeb Dickerson Have you noticed how some people just seem to breeze through life with comparative ease? Nothing seems to hold them back and they handle problems in a matter of fact way, efficiently and with minimal stress. These people have an emotional resilience and tolerance ...
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