Tag Archives: Manifestng

The power of lists – why lists make your life easier to manage

The power of lists - why lists male you life easier to manage

Have you noticed that people love to keep, and make lists?  Why is it that everywhere you turn there’s a list for this or that? Our everyday lives are littered with lists: laundry, grocery, to-do, wish-lists, birthday and anniversaries, catalog and collection lists, top ten lists… And the list goes on. While it may sound obvious that keeping lists of the ...
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17 Sure Fire Steps To Supercharge Your Motivation

unstopable motivation

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;not only plan, but also believe ~ Anatole France STUCK! BORED! SPINNING YOUR WHEELS? Call it what you want, we all know the feeling. Those down days,  when you feel flat, listless, blocked and uninspired. Wouldn’t it be great, when you sink into that space, to know that you ...
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