Tag Archives: manifestation

How To Manifest Intentions Without Resistance

manifsest intentions without resistance -

If you are into the “power of positive thinking”, have seen The Secret and heard about The Law of Attraction you will be very familiar the theory of how to manifest intentions. We all understand the principal of manifestation, and that by focusing your mind and emotions on the thing your desire you can bring it into your reality quickly. ...
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Absolute Proof! How your words and feelings impact your reality

Absolute Proof! How Your Words And Feelings Impact Your Reality

People may hear your words but they feel your attitude ~ John C Maxwell I know for some people it’s still hard to believe that they have to ‘inner power’ to influence (manifest) how their life turns out. Yet, there is scientific and absolute proof that what you think, and how your talk influences what shows up in your life. But ...
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Are You Wasting Your Time on the Law of Attraction?

Are You Wasting Your Time On The Law Of Attraction?

The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what theyshould have or would have done, or what they can’t do.~ Denis Waitley When I say to people that the law of attraction works consistently, they tell me that they have visualized & ...
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