Tag Archives: chakra

The 7 Chakras – A Beginners Guide To Your Energy System

Chakras – A Beginners Guide To Your Energy System

What on Earth is a Chakra? In many spiritual and healing disciplines, and in the world of complementary medicine the word Chakra pops up quite a bit. That’s fine if you know its meaning; not so great, and I must say pretty confusing, if you don’t. Here’s our simple summary of the 7 Chakras that covers what a Chakra is, ...
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ENERGY MEDICINE 101: What is Thought Field Therapy?

“The energy of life entering and leaving your body flows evenly throughout the universe. With that current, the mind of the cosmos communicates with all things.” ~ Ilchi Lee Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a SIMPLE, QUICK and extremely POWERFUL technique that gets right to the root of emotional, and often physical problems, to clear stress, anxiety, phobias and much ...
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